I have been thinking a lot about how I show up and whether I am truly bringing my unique voice into each room I am invited to. This got me curious: when you give a presentation, are you just mirroring what you think your CEO likes based on how you've seen them present, or are you bringing your unique voice and perspective into the room?
I get it—when you're new to a company culture, it’s easy to start doing things the same way everyone else does, especially when presenting in front of leadership. But the problem with this approach is that it’s probably not why you were hired. I don't imagine the CEO was hoping for another version of themselves—I hope.😳
Let me share an example from my days of directing theater:

Many actors would come into an audition room and perform the character in a similar way to the previous actor. Sometimes these were well-known plays or familiar archetypes, and whether consciously or not, many actors would make predictable choices. But when an actor came in and did something a little different or took a risk that was unexpected, that's when I would perk up and get excited.
So, the next time you have the chance to present or pitch an idea to leadership, make sure to bring your unique style and personality into the room. That unique style is likely why they hired you in the first place.
Not sure how.
Here are 2 things you can start trying now:
Start incorporating more story and make sure there is an emotional connect. Don't be afraid of people getting to know you.
Start creating experiences and not just another presentation.
Yes, you want people to take action, but how do you want them to feel? Did your visuals support this feeling or did they lean towards overwhelm? Be more intentional.
If you would like support for how to differentiate yourself from the others, please feel free to hop into my calendar for a 30 minute complimentary consult. Happy to help!✨